Why a bookkeeper is essential for your small business

As a small business owner, you might find yourself wondering whether you need a bookkeeper, an accountant, or perhaps both. The roles of bookkeepers can sometimes seem a bit mysterious, but they are crucial to the smooth operation of any business. Bookkeepers are...

Planning for seasonal dips in income

Seasonal dips in income can be highly challenging when you’re a small business. But there are proactive ways to predict, plan for and overcome these dips in revenue. The key to dealing with seasonal dips is to know when they’re most likely to occur, and to have...

Is your business model still fit for purpose in 2024?

Is your business model as solid and future-proof as you think it is? Small businesses face a number of challenges in 2024, with the business environment, globalisation, technological change, and difficult economic conditions all playing a part. However, with...

Three questions for business success – Part 3: Pricing

How should I be pricing my product or service? We’ve all heard the stories about the person that worked in the retail store, misheard an instruction from the owner about pricing a clearance product, mistakenly priced it double and sold them all in a day. Pricing...