Short Term/Homestay Accommodation Changes

Do you need to be GST registered? Will your marketplace operator automatically attend to the GST on your behalf? Do you need to register for GST? If you are not registered for GST, you will need to register if you have earned, or will earn more than $60,000 from all...

Some common things businesses forget at tax time

Running a business is a demanding job, so it’s no wonder owners lose track of crucial things at tax time, such as: Deducting entertainment expenses Dinner and lunch meetings with clients and customers are partially tax deductible. Keep your receipts and check in with...

Review your expenses – and save yourself money

Running a business will always mean incurring certain expenses, or ‘spend’. Whether you’re a large family business or a small fledgling startup, there will be costs, overheads and supplier bills that mount up – and these expenses will gradually chip away at your cash...

Minimum wage increases to $23.15 per hour

The Workplace Relations and Safety Minister has announced that the adult minimum wage will be rising to $23.15 per hour from 1 April 2024. – a 2% increase from the current hourly rate of $22.70. Brooke van Velden had initially proposed a 1.3% increase, while the...

Book a tax planning conversation with us today

The days of deciding on a tax strategy at the start of the year and then forgetting about it are gone. As taxpayers and tax advisers, we both have to be nimble, flexible and aware of changes. That’s why regular tax-planning sessions are so important. Is your business...

Review your business expenses – and save

Running a business costs money. There are always costs, overheads and supplier bills that mount up – and these expenses will gradually chip away at your cash position, making it more difficult to grow and make a profit. So, what can you do to reduce your spend levels?...

Merry Christmas from our team!

As we draw to the end of what has been another tough year, we’d like to thank you for trusting us to partner with your business. We hope that you spend time over the next few weeks reflecting on 2023, documenting the highlights, and identifying easy improvements...

Holiday cash flow for your small business

This time of year can be hard on small business. Your expenses continue and your cash flow can suffer when your debtors go on holiday. Leading up to the holiday period, is your business cash flow in good health to carry you through? With a bit of pre-planning and...